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Own It Girl

Jul 27, 2022

Find out what you need to focus on now that the seller's market is over. Valley attorney Dori Zavala, Producer of " Pharma: the Fight For Truth" joins us. 
She tells us her journey from going from Valley attorney working immigration cases to now writing a screen play and producing a movie. We discuss how it should be encouraged to explore your interests and passions rather than staying in the same profession your entire working career. 
Also five words, colors and even motions that could get you sued if you use them. A great non profit that helps women in the Valley. A fun place
to take company in the Valley. All this and much more on this edition of Own it Girl! 
Diane Brennan 
Coldwell Banker Realty
IG: @myrealtordianebrennan
Justin Volpone
Loan Officer
Bay Equity Home Loans
IG: @justinvolpone
Gayle Basss
IG - @gaylebasstv
Dori Zavala
Volunteer Opportunity
Fun Thing To Do
San Tan Flat